The African Society of Dermatology and Venereology (ASDV) aims to improve the quality of skincare in Africa, particularly through research and training.
About the ASDV
African Society of Dermatology and Venereology
The 2015 World Congress of Dermatology held in Vancouver (Canada) provided an opportunity for the meeting of African dermatologists who understood the need for Africa to have an association of their own.
This meeting in Vancouver was chaired by Dr Evans Kamuri from Kenya...

2nd Conference of the ASDV, Durban 2018

The 3rd African Dermatology Conference, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, 2022

The 4th Scientific Conference of the ASDV, Tunis, Tunisia, 2024

5th Conference of the ASDV, Addis Abeba 2026
ASDV Membership
Online members
Association members
National associations representing a member state within Africa.
Ordinary members
Medical graduates with recognized postgraduate training and in possession of qualifications or attainments in dermatology or dermato-venerology, living and practicing in Africa. Ordinary members shall have full rights and obligations of the Society.
Associate members
Graduates that do not qualify for "ordinary membership", such as dermatopathologists, leprologists, allergologists... Associate members do not hold office nor be entitled to vote at meetings.
Non-resident members
Qualified dermatologists living and practicing outside Africa. Non-resident members have full rights and obligations but do not hold office nor be entitled to vote at meetings.
Honorary members
Persons who have contributed greatly to the advancement of dermatology or whose work has been of great importance in Africa, especially from a socio-dermatological standpoint. Ordinary members above the age of 65 or who have retired from practice because of physical disability may also be elected to honorary membership. The executive committee may confer honorary membership of the society on any person considered worthy of this honor, be he/she medically qualified or not. They shall be entitled to full rights and obligations they shall not hold office or vote at meetings but may participate in discussion. They are absolved of their financial obligation to the Society.
Society members
Other societies, organizations, and associations in Africa with similar aims and objects involved in the advancement of Africa. They do not hold office or have voting rights.